God-focused Christmas Gift Ideas: Children Edition

Every year I try and spend time offering a couple of ideas for gifts you can get the children, youth, and adults you love that will help them grow spiritually.  So, without further adieu, here are my picks for the kiddos:

Fisher Price Nativity -This is one of my favorite items for my kids at Christms time.  I love to watch them pretend the Christmas story, and it really gets exciting when Greel Latern Shows up to save the day!

The Jesus Storybook Bible ( 4years old through 3rd grace) - This Bible is one of the most  beautiful pieces of art I have ever seen, and the way the stories have been artfully and faithfully rewritten for this younger audience is just as brilliant.  Our church has begun giving these Bibles to every child on the month of their fourth birthday!

 Adventure BIble (3rd -5th grade) - This is the Bible we give out at third grade now, and is an engaging copy of the full text of the scriptures.  Fantastic.

Veggie Tales: Saint Nicholas - Saint Nicholas was a really incredible guy!  Not only that, his story is one of the most inspiring stories for us to hear at Christmas.  Bob and Larry and the gang do an INCREDIBLE job at telling the story of the life of this humble, generous saint in a way that makes my kids beg to watch it!

Sign and Say: 36 Bible Verses for Children - This book is so much fun!  It shows you the sign language (in pictures) for 36 different Bible verses like the ver important "Honor your father and mother."  My kids love to grab this and learn how to say the Bible with your hands! 



Jeremy Steele

I am a pastor.  It is both my job and my role in the world, and I hope to be the voice of peace, justice, mercy, grace, truth, and most of all love that this role requires.


God-Focused Christmas Gift Ideas: Teen Edition


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