Promotional Material - Reclaiming the Lost Soul of Youth Minsitry


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Book Description

What you believe is central to determining how you do ministry. From the games we play to the Bible studies we choose, from the outreach events we plan to the missions we support, theology has claims of every area of ministry. 

Prevenient grace has way more to say about how you plan your next lock in than you thought, and there is real theological power hidden in your fundraisers. This book is about just that: helping you reclaim the lost theological focus in the most practical parts of reaching the next generation with the Gospel of Jesus.

Written by a veteran youth minister from the trenches, each chapter has very nuts-and-bolts questions to help you refocus your life and ministry. This intensely practical emphasis makes it the perfect resource to dive into with your youth ministry staff and volunteer teams. 

Brief Bio

When he is not playing with his four children with his wonderful wife, Jeremy oversees children, youth, and college ministries in addition to leading the evening worship service at Christ UMC in Mobile, Al.  He is passionate about reaching people with the message of Jesus in a way that engages them with the movement of God.  Jeremy is the Editor and Chief of the Seedbed Youth Ministry Collective and the author of Reclaiming the Lost Soul of Youth Ministry. You can find a list of all his books, articles and resources for churches at his website: and follow him on Twitter: @unpretending

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